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Geysir eruption

#geysir #geysiriceland #iceland #icelandtravel

Northern lights during our last trip to Reykjavik

#northernlights #iceland #icelandtravel #reykjavik

Have you ever had the luck to receive budget from your employer to fill the company's shelf?

What games would you have bought?

#boardgames #haul #picagmbh #boardgamesofinstagram

🇬🇧 Reflexes, concentration, schadenfreude and lots of laughter are the main ingredients needed for a game of Avocado Smash.
In turn, players place a card on the discard pile and count out loud.
"One avocado," "Two avocados," "Three avocados," and so on. Since no one intends to learn the number line through Avocado Smash, additional rules are added.

- Counting is done up to 15 and then again in descending order.
- if there is a direction change card, the player order changes.
- if there is a guacamole card, everyone shouts guacamole (in our house rule, no one shouts, the next player is skipped, but his number continues to count in his head)

- If the number on the card matches the number said, if two identical numbers lie on top of each other or if the card "Avocado Smash" is turned over, all players hit the pile as fast as they can.

If someone makes a mistake or their hand is on top of all the others, that player takes the entire pile in their hand and moves away from the goal of being the first to have no cards left in their hand.

đŸ‡©đŸ‡Ș Reflexe, Konzentration, Schadenfreude und viel Lachen sind die Hauptzutaten die es fĂŒr eine Partie Avocado Smash braucht.
Reihum legen die Spieler eine Karte auf den Ablagestapel und zÀhlen laut mit.
"Eine Avocado", zwei Avocados", "Drei Avocados" und so weiter. Da keiner die Absicht hat, durch Avocado Smash die Zahlenreihe zu lernen, kommen Zusatzregeln hinzu.

- GezÀhlt wird bis 15 und dann wieder absteigend.
- bei einer Richtungswechsel Karte Àndert sich die Spielerreihenfolge.
- liegt eine Guacamole-Karte, rufen alle Guacamole (in unserer Hausregel ruft niemand, der nĂ€chste Spieler wird ĂŒbersprungen, aber dessen Zahl im Kopf weiter gezĂ€hlt)

- stimmt die Zahl auf der Karte mit der gesagten Zahl ĂŒberein, liegen zwei gleiche Zahlen aufeinander oder wird die Karte "Avocado Smash" aufgedeckt, schlagen alle Spieler so schnell es geht auf den Stapel.

Macht hierbei jemand einen Fehler oder liegt seine die Hand als oberstes auf allen anderen, nimmt dieser Spieler den gesamten Stapel auf die Hand und entfernt sich von dem Ziel, als erster keine Karten mehr auf der Hand zu haben.

#avocadosmash #boardgames #boardgame

🇬🇧 In Similo, the player searches for one of 12 cards on the table. All the game master has to guide his players to the right card are 5 cards in his hand, one of which is laid out for each round.
If the card laid out has something to do with the one being searched for, it is laid out like the other cards; if it has nothing to do with the one being searched for, it is placed across from it.
Depending on the round, 1, 2, 3, 4 cards are removed. If the card is the one you are looking for, everyone loses. However, if the searched card is the only one left in the showdown, where 2 cards are left, everyone wins together.
So you play through animals, wild animals, history, mythology and fairy tales, depending on the edition.

đŸ‡©đŸ‡Ș In Similo wird eine von 12 ausliegenden Karten gesucht. Alles was der Spielleiter hat um seine Mitspieler auf die richtige Karte zu leiten, sind 5 Handkarten von denen je runde eine ausgelegt wird.
Hat die ausgelegte Karte etwas mit der gesuchten zu tun, wird sie wie die anderen Karten ausgelegt, falls sie nichts mit der gesuchten zu tun hat, wird sie quer dazu gelegt.
Je nach Runde werden 1, 2, 3, 4 Karten entfernt. Ist die gesuchte dabei haben alle verloren. Bleibt allerdings im Showdown, bei dem noch 2 Karten ĂŒbrig sind, die gesuchte als einzige liegen, haben alle gemeinsam gewonnen.
So spielt man sich je nach Edition durch Tiere, wilde Tiere, Geschichte, Mythologie und MĂ€rchen.

#similo #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgame #boardsgamegeek #boardgamephotography #brettspiel #brettspiele

So much content and play fun in such a small box.
I am not a huge fan of Kickstarter, but #overboss was worth the wait.
@brotherwisegames ' communication was excellent during the whole campaign!
And the result is a well made game with fantastic material.

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Circadians: first light / Zirkadianer: erstes Licht is a game that got tooo few attention by many.

The small, easy rules combined are a complex dice placement game with few downtime and high replayability.

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Childish games? Okay I'm in!

Dr. Microbe tells each player how to position their bacteria in the petri dishes. The one who has the correct combination is the winner and gets a point.

There are some rules how to put bacteria in your dish by form and color considering the other bacteria.

There are two other games in that "Dr. game" series.

#boardgames #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgame #boardgamegeek #bgg #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #boardgameaddict #boardgamephotography

The 5th game in Arcadia Quest: Inferno started with pretty much enemypower but we managed to run through the Dungeon.

#arcadiaquest #arcadiaquestinferno

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My Dice Hospital got too full.. But hey, it's their fault, they are no d12 😀

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Beasty Bar by #zochzumspielen
Always a fun game with take this mechanic!

Get your animals into Beasty Bar and kick the others out.

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#kingof12 #boardgames #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgame #boardgamegeek #bgg #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #boardgameaddict #boardgamephotography ...

#boardgames #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgame #boardgamegeek #bgg #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #boardgameaddict #boardgamephotography

#boardgames #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgame #boardgamegeek #bgg #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #boardgameaddict #boardgamephotography

My selfie after a reorganisation yesterday.
Do you have a system how to sort your games?

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Our Boardgame Haul 2020
All the new games we bought 2020.

#boardgames #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgame #boardgamegeek #bgg #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #boardgameaddict #boardgamephotography
#haul #hauls #2020

Mosquito by @djeco_toys / @djeco_de
Made for kids, played by adults (I think some shots for each winner would be a nice add on đŸ„ƒ) 😉

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My childhood games

#goodoldtimes #boardgames #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgame #boardgamegeek #bgg #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #boardgameaddict #boardgamephotography

"can we fix it?".. YES WE CAN!


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Niwa by DJECO is a great game for young and old.
It's a mixture of Halma, Tower of Hanoi and some good ideas.

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